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I got OnDemand!


With my baby now taking more predictable naps and for a good chunk of time, I am able to hunker down in the garage and get my workout on! I am loving the variety of classes you can find for free online! Here is a list of the current OnDemand classes that get me moving when working out is the last thing I want to do!

Cosmopolitan Tonetics Workout

    This is way VINTAGE but a great workout! I often pause it and do a few more reps. The arm movements are a little too stiff for me so I improvise or do ballet arms. Sometimes, I will use ankle weights or put them on my wrist for extra resistance. On of my favorite parts of the this video isn't even about working out, but the message about washing your face before and after your workout is key. Don't workout in makeup, period. Now where do I get one of those body suits?


Inspirational Quotes:

“Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.”


- Winston S. Churchill

"Motion is lotion"


- Wahida Sharman, Owner, EPY Center

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"


- Winston S. Churchill

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